HIH Story Contest Winners
Hello all, and this is a very belated post. Anyways, the long awaited arrival of the HIH Story Contest (from a long time ago) winners have been decided upon by the judging factor. The order is as follows....

1. Firstandthelast
2. Terrab
3. Ironskillet2

The winning stories can be read here.... http://adelais.net/hih_story/

Great job guys!

Edit: it appears DNS is having some problems (there's been recent changes to the domain), so if that link above doesn't work for you, use this one:

Congrats to teh pplz. plz.
Headshotmaster8 says:


Great job guys and is it just me or is the link down?
Links Down...... :(
Yep, Link is down.

I would like to read the stories too.
Cool. Its good to be able to read some of the entries.
Heh, I just read my own story again and it was like reading somebody else's... I thought it was much worse than that when I first wrote it. And congrats to the other winners.
I have to say, you guys deserve the rewards. I was on a good track with my story, but then I decided to discard as a whole when it completely exasperated me. Then I wrote a crappy script the night before.:D Your stories, by far, blow my stupid script away. :rolleyes:

Firstandlast, that's one long story. It was excellent, but I decided to stop reading after my eyes hurt from watching my monitor. Then I printed it and drained half my ink doing so.
Nice job to you guys involved! I'm gonna read them later on.

Great job to all who were involved, I can't wait to see what they are like.

I sent the story in the email, and I didn't expect Shinobi to leave in the things at the top. Plus there are those tags that worked in Microsoft Word and/or the email I sent, but not in that kind of text file. So if you see something odd (tags, me saying stuff at the top, continuous paragraphing... etc.) it's an accident.
I got a malicious script warning from Norton Anti-Virus... is that bad?