HIH: Where pointlessness is our passion
You need to
check out this forum thread, where a group of guys have put together a pretty creative tribute to HIH. In their words, this is what tricking is about - having fun. :)
Oh, and yes, the title of this newspost actually is one of our taglines. We need to bring those back don't we? I liked them.
On a personal note, this week has been kicking my tail. I've barely had time to log on. Pweese be patient with us, and if you see something you think needs done - volunteer. I just might take you up on it. I get too many 'hey if you need anything' type of emails. Chances are, you guys see stuff falling through the cracks better than I do, so 'see a need, fill a need' [/end childrens cartoon movie reference">.
Also, a team of people have started on our new (forum based) trick archive. They've churned through the Halo 1 posts on our old forum, and they'll be starting the Halo 2 stuff very soon. It should be nice once it's done.