princeofthesword says:
method of communication called deh internets. Tone, body-language, all that stuff.
That's very interesting of you to say considering I have a speech class that I have gotten 100 each six weeks this semester. Also I have a 141 Q test that im doing.
My point is i've never study anything about internet comm.
Just intrapersonal, interpersonal, small group large group, mass media.... Mass media is kind of internet but you never study internet comm. for some reason. At leat I didn't. And now with the growing internet you'd think you would.
Well, I guess I kind of heard the wrong and for that i'm sorry. I'm not really new here I just have more than one account. You can see if you check my IP I have others. Also for a really long time I didn't make an account but I have been going here for a long while.