Ducain says:
SRL - um...why?
Because, Sir, Gilleh, being the mad scientist that he is, managed to create an immaturity plague. He made several tubes of the disease, intrusting me with some. When HIH sleeps, I prowl with the viles sheathed in my coat. When I see a target, I pounce, injecting them with syrum, dooming them to behave oddly and silly forever! First KORHAL and SRL. Tomorrow,
HIH! Muhahahha!
No seriosuly, SRL is just in one of those cloud nine days when you feel lightheaded and woozy. =) *Poke*
Thanks a lot Sir, this makes me happier than.... uhh... SRL on cloud nine with an attractive female, a pipe with tabbaco, and an old newspaper. >_> Horray for never dieing films! =D *Does jig*