ZOMB, liek, Silent Flatulence?
A hint of the old-skool, a schmackeral of the wierd, and perhaps a dabble of new? Its all here (yes, even a bit of the smelleh) in StealthSepa's latest video. Give it a looksie!

Err, I'm not entirely certain I give a darn, my dear maker.

*starts huggle-fest* xD

BigGruntyThirst says:

A hint of the old-skool, a schmackeral of the wierd, and perhaps a dabble of new? Its all here (yes, even a bit of the smelleh) in StealthSepa's latest video. Give it a looksie!

You misspelled "weird."

EDIT: Haha, it's alright dude, I'm just messin with you. <3