ZOMG Liek new staff contact pagez!
We finally managed to revamp our HIH staff contact page, thanks to Reidon and many others. This page has been a treasure trove of inadequacy, and it was high time an overhaul was done. When you get a second, check it out. You can learn all kinds of stuff about us that you never wanted to know.

I get to bug Mr. Sprout even more and easier now?
I wants a pretty pikture next to my name..

But first thing is first... I have to get my name up there. I WILL DO IT. I WILL - wait wha?
Awesome, I was wondering when that'd be thrown up there!

Hey, uh, do Monitors get to write sweet write-ups, by any chance? :rolleyes:

Either way, thanks to the people that put together the update. :)

EDIT: I can see that we're probably not going to. :p

ForcefulXCon says:

I get to bug Mr. Sprout even more and easier now?

MrSprout <3

nicely done peoples.
AWW, I expected to see more pictures, I like looking at pictures.

and OMG a Fish isn't on the list. Has he resigned?
Alot of the mods and admins are younger then i thought...........
Jamie Maddrox says:

Alot of the mods and admins are younger then i thought...........

Its a Halo fansite...what did you expect? A million Ducains running around fixing things?:D
I expected the admins at least to be 20+ especially considering the amount of time they have been here
I had no idea how many mods we had, that is a freaking boat load.
lol... Forgot to update my entry v_V. I'm 18. Along with lots of other stuff. Oh well.
Stingraid says:

lol... Forgot to update my entry v_V. I'm 18. Along with lots of other stuff. Oh well.

Stingraid has a birthday?!?!?!